When it comes to keeping the food chain flowing it would be impossible without truck drivers to move product from manufacturing facilities to local stores and food pantries. Across the country, many restaurants are closed while others may only offer drive through options. Most trucks can’t go through drive thru locations due to the size of their trucks, and the drive up windows are not allowing walkup traffic, which is putting a limit on drivers getting a healthy meal. Currently, many commercial truck drivers are filling huge gaps in emergency supply chains, and we all should be grateful.
Having been started by a World War 2 veteran, Malnove cares about our people, the community, and our country. Being an essential business, Malnove has taken many steps as an organization to keep our Associates safe while keeping our plants producing folding cartons in order to keep the food supply protected, and to allow our customers to ship product in a timely manner. After understanding the issues the truck drivers were having, we knew we had to do more to help. We reached out to J.B. Hunt, as well as our own customer base, to come up with a plan. We asked customers to donate product and we went out and purchased items in short supply to offer a care package to all truck drivers that ship our product. In every care package there are energy bars, cookies, other food options, water and a note thanking each driver for their dedication to the job, letting them know how much we appreciate what they do every day to help supply all of America.
Many across the nation are currently sheltered at home. Truck drivers ultimately are sheltered to their trucks due to the lack of available open resources, and the rules of not being in groups due to the COVID-19 virus. To all the men and women driving trucks across our nation, THANK YOU and stay safe.
A special thank you to Clif Bar, Little Dutch Boy, and Build Bar for your generous donations, and to the appreciation you have shown to the truck drivers servicing Malnove.
Peter Hofmann
Executive Vice President of Sales, Malnove