As much of the nation’s workforce shelters-at-home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), many others are doing necessary work tied to keeping Americans healthy, protected and supplied with necessary goods. Flattening the curve of the COVID-19 spread would be impossible without truck drivers to keep substantial amounts of medical supplies, food and household goods moving to hospitals, pharmacies, food pantries and stores.
To show their appreciation to the men and women who keep goods flowing through supply chains, many of J.B. Hunt’s customers are stepping up to make sure truck drivers have the items they need most. Many items are still in short supply, and donations have helped keep drivers healthy and safe.

Social distancing can be tough when your job requires face-to-face interaction with multiple people. This makes items such as disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer necessary to reduce the risk of exposure. Major retail customers and manufacturers are helping drivers prevent the spread by donating these items. It’s a win-win: Drivers can continue delivering safely, while retailers can restock shelves and replenish supplies.
Perhaps one of the biggest inconveniences for truck drivers during the current health crisis is access to food. Many restaurants are closed for dine-in service at the directive of state and local authorities, leaving only drive-thru or carry-out options. For truck drivers, drive-thru and carry-out services may not be possibilities due to truck size limitations or available parking spaces. Several J.B. Hunt customers have stepped up to offer drivers bottled water and convenient snacks to help supplement the lack of meal choices.
The closure of some truck stops and interstate rest stops has left even fewer options than normal for drivers to safely and legally park trucks. This is always a challenge for drivers, but these new restrictions on parking have made rest periods and breaks even more of an issue. Some of J.B. Hunt’s customers have recognized this need, allowing drivers to park their trucks at warehouses and distribution centers to take rest breaks.
Commercial truck drivers are filling huge gaps in emergency supply chains and customers are grateful. Beyond providing basic necessities, they are sharing tokens in other ways. For instance, leaders for one J.B. Hunt customer sent formal thank-you notes to drivers for their dedication to the job. Our country owes a debt of gratitude to its truck drivers who are delivering so much more than consumer goods. They are delivering trust, reliability, and service at a time when all are in short supply.
We thank the following for the generous donations they have made and appreciation they have shown to our drivers and other front line employees during this difficult time: Berry Plastics, Clorox, Family Dollar, General Mills, Kimberly Clark, L’Oreal, Malnove Packaging Solutions, Ocean Spray, Target, The Home Depot, Tyson Foods.
Malnove is joining #UnitedforAmerica to deliver food, medical and hygiene products, and other essential supplies to frontline relief organizations like Direct Relief and Feeding America.