Type of Request(Required) General Question PowerBI Access PowerBI New or Enhancement Request PowerBI Data Discrepancy PowerBI Error Message
Choose the option that best fits your PowerBI Request.
General Question
Please provide as much detail as possible with your question.
Department Executive Sales Plant Manager Accounting Finance Estimating IT Purchasing Customer Success Team Graphic Coordinator Technical Services HR Payroll & Benefits Continuous Improvement Master Scheduling Die Cutting QA Production Planning Shipping Printing Finishing Maintenance Sheeting Cutting
What department do you currently work in.
Workspace for Request BI_Accounting BI_Administration BI_Customer Portal - customers only BI_Customer Service BI_Manufacturing BI_Procurement BI_QA BI_Sales BI_Supply Chain Paginated Reports Spoilage Manual Run
Please select the proper workspace for your request.
Reason for Request
Please describe the business purpose for gaining access to these reports.
Report Workspace BI_Accounting BI_Administration BI_Customer Portal - customers only BI_Customer Service BI_Manufacturing BI_Procurement BI_QA BI_Sales BI_Supply Chain Paginated Reports Spoilage Manual Run
What is the workspace of the report that you are requesting to modify?
New Report Purpose
Please provide a detailed description of the purpose of this new report request.
Report Enhancement Explanation
Please provide a detailed description of what needs to be modified on the report.
Workspace BI_Accounting BI_Administration BI_Customer Portal - customers only BI_Customer Service BI_Manufacturing BI_Procurement BI_QA BI_Sales BI_Supply Chain Paginated Reports Spoilage Manual Run
Please select the proper workspace the discrepancy/data issue resides.
Discrepancy Found
Be as specific as possible when describing the discrepancy you found.
Workspace BI_Accounting BI_Administration BI_Customer Portal - customers only BI_Customer Service BI_Manufacturing BI_Procurement BI_QA BI_Sales BI_Supply Chain Paginated Reports Spoilage Manual Run
Please select the proper workspace the error occurred.